Saturday, November 23, 2013

Update: I broke my promise. Again. So I shall hold a thingy.

I should feel so ashamed of myself. I'm going to smack myself for that now....

Ow. Okay, I'm done. So. I sincerely apologize for all this delay. I said that I would update that same day, but I didn't. As an apology gift: I will write a story of any kind for anyone that responds first to this post. If anyone responds anyways. My days have been so hectic to coordinate time for what I want to do and what I have to get done first. Now that Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming up, I *should* (key word there) have more free time to update you guys with what I like in the yaoi world, but there's never a guarantee about everything....

If any reader is viewing this right now, please. Leave a comment or a sign that you've read this, or pass this to someone else to comment on. I really need to make up for all that I've screwed up here. I should have a friend keep me on task with this kind of stuff. If I had any friends. I wouldn't be here if I did have friends to hang out with constantly.

Also, I'd like to give a very sincere thanks to all those people that actually take the time to read anything I even talk about here. I've noticed a surprisingly high number of views from the United States, occasionally Russia/Belarus/Ukraine, and sometimes in Spain, and recently in South Korea. Thank you soooo~ much for all your support. Even if no one ever leaves a comment, knowing that at least one person is even stopping by my page is wonderful enough. :)

Again, I feel so bad with my delay online, and I will try my hardest to update soon.
(This was all done gradually over time on mobile, so yeah. I can't take that much time to sit at the computer to type this at once....)

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Update: Oh my god. I am so sorry.

I really didn't mean to be away for so long. in general.
It's been exactly one month and a day since my last update. I definitely promise to make a post later today.
It's almost 2, or 2 AM, currently, and I am on my blog mobile, so I can't conveniently post right now.

Again, I sincerely apologize to anyone that happens to read this.
Thank you for all your kindness and patience, and have a good night or day.

Also, today is FREE!'s Tachibana Makoto's birthday. Have fun with that knowledge.