Saturday, August 9, 2014


Honestly, I don't even come on here anymore.
I log onto tumblr more often than my actual blog.
So if you want to stop by:
Yes, I've been a guy this whole time.
And 17.

So I'm leaving now.
So bye! :3

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Update: Summer Is In The Air.

Can't wait for the gay animes.

Seriously though, I'm so psyched for the Summer 2014 animes and specials.

Kinda wanna find a game to play too though, to pass the hot summer days indoors. Any suggestions? Mainly PC, since I don't own any game stations besides GameCube, Playstation 2, and PSP. I kinda like some otome games, easy-to-control FPSs, and others like what NITRO=CHIRAL makes.

Back to work, was on break.

Treat. KagePro fanart.
Great, now I want icepops.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Update: Been A While Once Again.

Currently: Painting my nails once again, this time while updating my blog.
It's midnight, so I'm kinda doing this for no apparent reason. Still waiting for one hand to dry, haha.

I am currently still working on that smut I had mentioned in the last post, not making much progress, but slowly getting there.

Okay. Back to business. Manly business. Kidding.
But back to nail designing.

Here, porn. Chocolate porn.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Update: I'm Gonna Do It.

I am going to write a smut.
Yes I am.
It's not like I haven't done it before.
Just not for myself, nor for the fun of it.
It's just going to be something to update with a couple new sentences each day or so until I have done a BL, and then I would post the final product here.
That's the plan.

There will be no plot, because when I write my other stories, there is too much plot and background shit going on.
Just foreplay and smexy stuff.
With bishie cat boy and cross-dressing.
Typical stuff.
My stupid preferences.
Toys are kinda sexy.
Basically stuff that I want to happen in a lot of manga, but usually never does.

This is just to blow off some stress every now and then.
Hopefully I actually do finish before my brains fry from working.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Update: Am I Girly? And Talking About Animes.

That is a good question.
Why is so prejudice to assume feminine qualities when a person paints there nails sparkly-silver?
Seriously. I just felt like painting my nails while reading manga online. Yes, that is possible, just don't use nails to touch the keys. When you have to use a computer everyday to live, you learn some tricks and things.

So I've finally gotten around to watching Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru, otherwise known as UraBoku, which translates to "Betrayal Knows My Name". It's mostly drama, with some action, and obviously shounen-ai. Why else would I be watching it? I don't usually watch animes nowadays unless it's related to music, has BL-related content, or is from my childhood and just needed to watch it again. Or anime boobs. Sometimes, it cracks me up too much to watch how unrealistic they are, like dodging bullets or being bigger than the size of the girl's head. Or both. Haha.

Stepping aside from boobs, UraBoku is pretty good. I would recommend it if you don't mind drama and the main character who, not a spoiler because it is clearly stated in the first episode or insinuated at least, used to be a woman so he looks so pretty boy, cries pretty often. Not that he's a crybaby, but rather than there is so much drama and shit goes down, people can get hurt sometimes, and he cries for their pain. Really, this kid is just the most sentimental person I've seen so far for an anime.

In other news, Mekaku City Actors is finally out subbed, and so I shall go watch it right now.

Signing off, peeps.
See ya! 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Update: This Has Been Forever Since Then.

It's been more than a month since I last spoke here, and I apologize for that and all.
I plan on being more active once spring animes roll around, and BL finally comes to air on TV. :)
So next time, I'll be posting up a full list of animes/movies/OVAs that should be much anticipated for spring and summer of 2014.
Actually, I'll start now:
- DRAMAtical Murder (F*CKING ANIME FINALLY, Summer)
- FREE! Season 2 (Summer)
- Love Stage! (July)
- Sekai-Ichi Hatsukoi: Takafumi no Baai (Already aired, waiting for translations)
- Sekai-Ichi Hatsukoi ~Valentine no hen~
(Already aired, waiting for translations)
- Mekakushi City Actors (Not yaoi, but excited for it, April 13)

So I'm super excited for this upcoming season, and hopefully the weather warms up now too.
I recently just went to an anime convention, and was able to snag a "Crimson Spell" Volume 1 for $5 and a DMMd artwork by one of my favorite artists. Made my day. :)

Keep away from the corn.
That's all, have a good day/night.

(Edit Picture)
I'm in the mood for a Caramel Mochito~
Especially this one.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Update: It's Too Early To Be Up.

I don't even know why I wanted to bother writing anything today. But I just wanted to apologize again for the delays. To put it short, because of where I am, my back aches from shoveling snow. So usually, my days consist of working, eating, relaxing just a bit, shoveling, and sleeping. Even on the weekends, yes.

So I just wanted to say hi before I get back to work at home. I brought it home even on a day off, not gonna be a lazy butt all day, nope.

Pretty fanart of MakoHaru iceskaters, Sochi 2014 joke, I think these were from tumblr:

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Update: That Last Post.

That last one was too funny not to put up. I am truly sorry. Someone should take this iPod away from me at night so that this kind of thing doesn't happen frequently. I mean, look at the tags under that post. Nonsense right there haha.

I got sick kinda, so not gonna do much writing today. But I do have a review ready for sometime this week, so look forward to that.

Not that I need to, but having someone just leave even one word in the comments would be nice. Like "Hi" or "'Sup" is cool. I dunno, I put the settings do only bloggers can comment so that random people don't spam, but having  someone with an account to say What Up would be amazing. And I'm still open to writing a FanFic. Just saying. Haha.

Alkaseltzer works wonders. So does sleep.

Tachibanana Puppy for you.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

"Netsujou" by ______ (NSFW)

This was started at 3:56. Yes, in the morning. I need to learn how to fall asleep again, this is totally not good for me anymore. Or I could find a night-shift job in the future, but probably not now. Haha.

So I was reading "Netsujou" by blank-sensej, and feels can practically burst the dam of tears in my eyes. Not a really tear-jerking story, but still good to make me feel pity for some of the characters.

Basically, handsome and popular high school student falls in love with a beautiful teacher in his school, stuff happens to them having "forced" sex, not really, and the boy taking responsibilities for his actions by atoning for his last year of high school by playing lovers with the Sensei, who admits eventually that he was in love as well since the beginning and they love each other so much.

That was all one sentence lol.
Oh. Now I'm getting sleepy, gonna put my head down now. Later!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Update: Eh. I Apologize.

This is not a real important post.
I just was so tired last night that I didn't even understand anything I said in the end haha.
I even put that random face up. Is it really all that funny? I don't know.
All I really know is I didn't go to sleep/gave up updating at exactly 3:38.
Yes, in the morning.

Gotta get to work now. Ugh. Have a good day!
Happy seal. Squishy seal.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

"This Boy Caught A Merman" (OVA) by Sentei Animations

Back~ And I have happy things to say. So I went to a mall near my town, okay? And headed straight for "fye" if anyone knows what that store is. Basically sells CDs, DVDs, popular merchandise, ect. So I go to the anime section in the back, looking for some sale items to buy as a gift for a friend and for myself. I look down towards the anime movies and discs, and do you know what I saw? A shounen-ai Blu-Ray movie, 30 minuted long, $23.99. I didn't have the money to justify buying it, but that's what the internet is for, right? So I might get back to talking about it tomorrow or Saturday.
Why stop now? Well, I'm about to pass out, and blacked out for a good minute. Again just now before I finished the word "minutre". Oh, and again.

Okay, I am going to work I mean sleep. Wow, now I really need to.

Good night from here!
Funny face for your liking.

Monday, January 6, 2014

"Ai no DNA" by Shimada Hisami (NSFW)

Hello, my childr- I mean, readers. I am kinda getting back into the swing of things, but bear with me as I try to get my iPod to cooperate with me for this blog.

I just finished re-re-reading (yes, reading it again for the third or so time) "Ai no DNA" by Hisami-sensei. Basically, there's two brothers that are kinda astrologically connected, so some of their senses are shared. The older one can feel the younger's pain receptors, and sexual feelings are felt vice-versa. Brothers fall in an adorable love for each other and happy ending for all. Oh. And Madame Butterfly, can't forget that. Can anyone nickname a pretty tennis boy that right now? Because that would be hilarious. Sorry not sorry.

Cute and short, but really shallow in terms of how emotional the whole story is overall. Occasional sex scenes, so yeah. Recommended? Not exactly up there in order of titles that I would suggest, but can be considered.

So here's that link I always gift to you guys:
(Not exactly sure if it will link directly or not using mobile, but guessing no. So just copy and paste this shit into the address bar above, okay?)

Okay. So when I go mobile, I will include one eye-candy picture from my collection. What it will be is entirely random, and how much dick/ass/cum/etc. is shown is dependent in the content of the manga reviewed above. Since today was meh in sexual stuff, let's include some sexy time here, shall we? Just kidding. Just some kind of skin showing is enough.

I own no rights to any photos I put up, by the way. Most will be from pixiv or tumblr unless stated otherwise. This one is also by "hal" on pixiv. Seriously, he draws some good stuff. This is not even close to how good it usually is.

And yes. I like FREE!! as much as the next fanperson. I luxury cruise ship MakoHaru/HaruMako. (Please don't steal that line. *cries*)
Also, if you want and can answer this question: Who is your favorite ship in DMMd? If you din't know what I'm talking about, then you don't know what I'm talking about.

Wow, I talked a lot here tonight. Well, time to whack off a few good hours of rest for tomorrow. Vacation's over ugh. Mondays. UGH.
Goodnight from here.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Update: Going Mobile?

So I've just downloaded the iOS version of Blogger, and am just really testing it out now. Not much to say, other than that I keep pressing the "return" key by accident a lot. By a lot, that's about every few words. Stupid chubby thumbs can't aim right.

So. Ever had some feels but someone just walks in and interrupts your feels time? Like someone just walks into your bedroom while you were jerking off, kinda like that. That's exactly what I felt after reading an emotional, yet disturbingly dark manga about bakus, or dream demons that feed off nightmares at the price of a delusion. Upon finishing, and almost crying tears for my favorite character just disappeared, dad walks in and says that I should go to sleep. Seriously. You don't just go and interrupt the path of feels just to tell me something I don't need to be told at my age. If you're going to ask, yes. I still live with my parents. For now. It saves tons of money, and really, I'm just taking care of them and the house.

Still getting used to going mobile for this blog, but hopefully it works out well enough for me to update more regularly. Or rather in the middle of the night when I probably should be asleep. Probably. Like now.

Good night for now, and have a good day to you all.

Oh. And included a picture for eye candy. Because I can mobile-ly.
FREE!! Nanase Haruka in boyfriend-shirt and glasses. And not wearing his swimsuit for once. From pixiv, I think from "hal". That's the artist's name, within the quotes. Good luck searching from there.